UVic Bunnies A blog about the plight of the feral rabbits living on the University of Victoria campus, under the threat of an inhumane cull.
The basic premise was this:
a) 1980s vintage VW Rabbit, to be donated to Wild Rose Rescue Ranch for them to use for running rabbits to/from the vet, and for snagging supplies
b) playing on the "Yo Dawg" meme, Xzibit and gang should have been able to leverage the "putting rabbits in yo Rabbit" gag for humor/ratings, plus poke fun at the "Yo Dawg" meme crowd
c) exposure via MTV would bring much needed attention (and hopefully help/donations) to Wild Rose Rescue Ranch
Not surprisingly; we did not get a response. One can only wonder at the volume of crap that flows into his inbox on a daily basis =/
But hey, if anybody reading this in the USA is feeling adventurous and wants to take this on - please go for it :)
Trapping at UVic Set to Resume
I think it's time to trumpet some of the stuff we're getting done behind the scenes. Since well before we moved the first batch to Texas, we'd been investigating the most cost-effective ways to accomplish this. To this end, we are trying to secure a vehicle (or trailer) capable of moving a larger number of rabbits at a reasonable cost.
As a bit of a backgrounder -- the cost to move the first batch of 47 UVic bunnies to Texas was around (receipts still need a final tally) $2000. This was done entirely using rental vehicles. Part of the value of this trip was gathering on-the-ground logistical info, but the per-bunny cost is roughly $43 for this trip. We would like to see this pushed well below $30 per rabbit, and that mandates a different mode of transport.
We had been offered the services of an animal transport truck by a US-based charity, but the cost they'd proposed to us was $14000 for the trip, once we got the rabbits into Washington state. I have not been given a clear answer on how many their truck could take, so the value proposition is unclear. This is further complicated by the fact that the BC Ministry of Environment permit only allows us to posses 96 rabbits at any one time. This would mandate the use of another vehicle to get rabbits from BC to somewhere in Washington, as well as the staging area itself, along with associated costs of keeping rabbits there until we have enough queued to fill their vehicle.
One of our group has located a promising truck on the island. The owner (and his accountant) were unfortunately unable find an economically sound way to donate it to TRACS, but the price is good. We are currently only about $1000 shy of being able to purchase it outright. Arrangements are being made to have a qualified mechanic perform (possibly donate) an inspection, as well.
Such a truck would be owned by TRACS, at least for the duration of this operation. After that time, TRACS could opt to sell it or keep it for other projects they have.
What still needs to be determined is whether this truck would move UVic rabbits:
- to a staging area in the US, where they are transfered to a larger-volume transport -or-
- all the way to Texas
The first is attractive as it would mean that we could further leverage economies of scale. There have been some ongoing discussions with US-based transporters. More information on this will follow.
We have also secured the services of a metal fabricator/machinist who will donate his services to weld up racking/shelving to hold rabbit cages/carriers securely during transport. The hard work of our volunteers has resulted in us having a pretty decent supply of carriers (though we can always use more).
Among the things we'd still need add to the truck are:
(aside from that bit of money indicated above)
- RV air-conditioning unit to keep temperatures in the box comfortable and safe
(Texas is still having some pretty warm weather) - pop-up RV skylights/vents to allow exhausting of warm/smelly air
- 1"x2"x1/8" (cross-section) aluminum angle extrusion for the racking/shelving in the box
- vinyl flooring (and adhesive) to line the truck box bottom to make it easier to keep sanitary
If any of our readers know of someone who has such things - please
email me and I'll get the info to the appropriate person(s).
First Shipment of UVic Rabbits in Texas
The value of the information gathered during this operation should not be underestimated. Everything we learned will be essential to future UVic rabbit transfers to Wild Rose Rescue Ranch in Texas.
More donations are needed to keep this running, so please see the TRACS donation page (donation button is near the bottom) and follow the directions.
More information to follow...
Laura-Leah Shaw gets permit to move 1000 rabbits to Texas
There have been a number of unconfirmed rumors of permits being issued for other sanctuary groups, but the above is the only case where we have been sent a copy of the permit. We have received permission to publish the permit in the form which can be seen at the above link. Some information from the original was redacted to comply with privacy concerns that were expressed.
UVic's Plan of June 15th
Anyway; the pdf letter was evidently scanned from a dead-tree original, rendered as a graphic, or something. As a result there was easy no way to extract text from it. Since I have better things to do than retype their typing, I'm just going to post it, and link to it here.
The Mount Tolmie Community Association
One has to wonder if Marlene Bergstrom, the current MTCA president, also wants to be called about MTCA concerns at (250) 472-2246. Does she want to hear from people who are concerned about the MTCA stance on the UVic rabbits?
sensationalist poster seen in Vancouver
This is, based on what some people were saying at the flyer event today, the kind of thing that turns people off. It seems to be hurting the campaign to save the UVic rabbits at least as much as it helps it.
While there is nothing in the text that is false, it is the presentation and the content of the image that are staged for maximum shock value. Some of us are already jaded through years of exposure to images in the animal rights movement, so this image is amateurish at best. This begs the question of who the intended audience is.
If the author of this "document" is trying to reach Jane/Joe Citizen they seem to be merely succeeding at annoying said citizens. If they are trying to reach those already versed in animal rights they are coming across poorly. Can we please try and be more professional in what we're doing to help the UVic rabbits?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010 - 11:30am - 2:00pm
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
11:30am - 2:00pm
Douglas / Yates & Inner Harbour Tourist Center
This is intended as a non-violent .... non-sensational information session – letting people know what is going on at the university – from a factual point of view. Even if we just use what the university has admitted to, that is damning enough and should get support for the rabbits.
(as posted on the uvic buns management facebook group)
The Mount Tolmie Community Association
This might explain the apparent anti-bunny bias that a lot of the A-Channel reports seem to have, what with Patty's husband being Hudson Mack. I think that tomorrow I should post some of the more entertaining excerpts from the MTCA letters to UVic, just in case there's any question of where they stand ;)
PS I wonder if Hudson ever answers the phone ...LOL!
Tuesday May 25th 2010 12-2 pm
The University of Victoria is currently trapping a killing the rabbits that live on their land, as their solution to control the population. We say there are other more humane ways to reduce & control the population. So far UVic has not accepted any of the options, and instead the killing continues.
Please join us for a peaceful demonstration and leafleting event:
- in front of the Parliament Buildings – near the Cenotaph at Government and Belleville from 12pm-1pm
- then on to the Victoria Tourist Bureau – at Government and Humboldt from 1pm-2pm
If enough people can come we will demonstrate at both locations for the 2 hours.
Leaflets and some signs are available, however you are welcome to bring your own.
For further information call Laura-Leah @ 604.551.9297
3 rescued
We need to remember the little victories, to help us see the way when things start looking a tad shitty. Like the way things started looking this week when that "red pickup truck" started to appear.
On that note: does anyone else remember references to red pickup trucks being used by death squads in some latin american country? Guatemala maybe? That sticks out as something I read about, a *long* time ago, but it came bubbling back to the surface this week after seeing that truck. UVic now has a bunny-death-squad.
Nevertheless -- I am going to focus on the little victories and urge all (any?) of you reading this to do the same. Illegitimi non carborundum might be a fitting motto for us all - since we can't afford to let the bastards wear us down :)
uvicbunnies.org site rebuild
Well; the new site is up. Have a look and let us know what you think. Not a drastic change (someone said they hadn't even noticed anything different) but the intent was improved readability, not some kind of design makeover or something.
Anyway - rabbits need their sleep.
We found one during a walk-around yesterday, and I thought it would be worthwhile posting a picture, that was taken before the snare was removed for disposal:
If anybody sees a snare such as this, please contact the SPCA. If anyone sees someone placing snares such as these on UVic's campus, please contact the police. Hunting or trapping without a license is a chargeable offense, and this would probably fall under the umbrella of poaching. Furthermore; since UVic is private land, and since I doubt the dumb redneck that planted this got permission first, this is again not legal.
UVic cull underway
What a shocker: UVic Facilities (mis)Management comes clean on their lies after someone catches their operation in the works. I think we all owe Andrew a thanks for exposing this earlier in the week.
And now it seems that Andrew has more to share with us ...I think there's a rabbit that'd like to buy him a beer ;)
Anyway -- that's all for now folks.
UVic Alumni Association Display
a publication of note
(bibliographic data in APA format follows)
In France, rodenticides are classified into two major product categories: (1) long-acting anticoagulants, representing over 95% of rodenticides used, and (2) short-acting products, such as crimidine and alpha-chloralose, which are still in use, particularly against mice (ACTA, 2005). Anticoagulants are used to control field voles (Microtus arvalis) and water voles (Arvicola terrestris), although widespread use of bromadiolone, a second-generation anticoagulant, has been associated with substantial secondary poisoning of predators and scavengers, mainly birds of prey (Berny et al., 1997, 1998; Berny and Gaillet, 2008). Secondary poisoning has also been observed in some water birds, such as the grey heron (Ardea cinerea). Anticoagulant poisoning is reported less frequently in other birds with some 14% detected in waterfowl, 4% in pigeons and 18% in partridges; however it did account for 47% of all poisoning cases in birds of prey (Lamarque et al., 1999).' Alpha-chloralose is another common poisoning agent in birds in France, primarily in game species, such as water birds (43%) and partridges (10%).
Guitart, R., Sachana, M., Caloni, F., Croubels, S., Vandenbroucke, V., & Berny, P. (2010). Animal poisoning in Europe. Part 3: Wildlife. The Veterinary Journal, 183(3), 260-265. doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2009.03.033
baby bunny found dead by poison box
The poison boxes are not a "smoking gun". If someone was intentionally giving feed laced with bromadiolone to the rabbits, that would be an entirely different thing. The stuff is toxic, but it is also what is approved for its intended purpose (killing Norway rats) and also for how it's deployed at UVic to that end. I hope to get into this a lot more thoroughly tomorrow, but the bottom line is that it might be killing some wildlife, but the numbers are not statistically significant given what would be the impact of not killing the rats on campus. Since rats have been observed attacking rabbits on campus, including baby rabbits, this isn't a point that should be dismissed, IMHO.
Apparently UVic has a lot of rats.
uvicbunnies.org site undergoing rebuild
New features include an canned/prefabricated form letter to a bunch of UVic people, including the Board of Governors, David Turpin (the president), Gayle Gorill (VP of Finance) and Valerie Kuehne (VP of External Relations).
Those same people are now in the mailto: links on the What You Can Do page, too. Not only useful, but more fun than a barrel of barrels!
Since I am talking about UVic and the uvicbunnies site, here's the UVic Finance and Operations Org Chart to help explain why we don't even bother having people email minions like Tom Smith anymore :D
There's a more netbook-compatible version of the site being built, so keep an eye out for that. I hope it will make viewing the pages on a smallish screen less of a PITA.
I found (in a short search) 15 papers on the stuff and it's effects on wildlife as an unintended side effect of its use on mice and rats, primarily Norway rats. These were all in refereed journals, btw, and I should be able to put excerpts and citations up tomorrow. Today was just too nuts :(
I've put up an excerpt from an report that LGL Ltd. did for UVic back in 2008; have a look in the pages. This came from the results of an FOI request, and was kindly donated to our efforts. There's more where that came from, too, it's just a question of time to get it typed up...
website indexing
So if Google hasn't found us yet, do we even exist? Heh.
Something on the topic in case you're *really* bored and want something, anything, to read:
Google Not Indexing Your Blogs?
two saved
Today two little bunnies got rescued from UVic. We had two photographers around for part of the day, too, taking pictures of the rabbit goings-on. I hope we'll have some snaps to post soon. How's that for subtle? Heh.
There's a lot of construction mess due to the KIP seismic upgrades, and naturally some rabbits have been building nests among the construction debris. We're now seeing the litters come out and have their first looks at the world. On the plus side, their world includes kind people who give them carrot, lettuce and banana bits. On the negative side, a construction site isn't exactly a safe place for little creatures.
The two dead ones we found were not killed in the construction area, to the best of my knowledge, as they were both by the residences. One was a baby by one of the moderately infamous UVic poison boxes that have been talked about on the interwebs. The other was an adult just lying near a dumpster by one of the residence buildings, though I can't remember which.
Anyway; the two we rescued are off to a happier home on the mainland :)
Thanks to all that helped!
(you know who you are)